Most useful poker hud stats

My HUD stats during the Trikkur 6 video. Most SSNLers will use PokerTracker and Poker Ace Hud, and there have been many posts about how best toThere are some stats that will be useful when we have the betting lead. His fold to Cbet is fairly low and so is his raise Cbet, so I would be very wary... A Guide to Setting Up Your Online Poker Heads Up Display… What HUD Stats Should I Use? There are literally hundreds of different statistics available to you once you purchase some tracking software, allowing you toThe “Agg” or aggression statistic displays how often a player bets or raises after the flop in relation to checking. The higher this number is, the more...

DriveHUD is an online poker HUD and Database software for tracking and analysis of online poker games. Track online using games with this hud poker. PFR Statistic | In-Game Poker HUD Usage Series ... In this video I go over how to use the PFR statistic in your poker HUD to help you gain insight into the style of play of your opponents. ... making it one of the most useful stats there is ... Elite MTT HUD - ProPokerHUDs is a collabration between a team of professional poker players and programming experts dedicated to creating the most innovative and effective poker HUD solutions possible. We offer a wide selection of poker software for players at all levels – static and dynamic HUDs, statistics packs and heat maps.

Essential Poker Statistics You Need to Know

What is the most ridiculous poker hud stats you have ever Useful Links. FAQ; Beginner Guide; Where can I play online poker? What is the most ridiculous poker hud stats you have ever seen for a villain? ... i don’t use a hud so i don’t get what these stats truly mean if someone would be so kind as to direct me to an explanation . ex: (i get vpip is voluntary put in pot but like...what does that ... How to Use a HUD & Interpret Poker Stats - Jan 28, 2010 · You must understand how to use them to draw real and useful conclusions about your opponents' games. How to Read a Poker HUD: Post-Flop Stats. AG. This is your opponent’s aggression factor. It tells you how aggressive he plays. Most players fall between 1-3. Anything less is very passive and anything more is very aggressive.

Please give me in your guys opinion the most overall important stats. ... I need to change my hud, to be the most user friendly, and at this time I'm ... If you want to get better, then go read some poker books, watch poker after ...

I just found out that I have $10 on my pokerstars account, so I'd like to see what I can make from that. So I downloaded fpdb, and started playing around with the HUD, but I don't really know what stats are the most important, and what is not important at all. As you may be able to tell, I'm kinda new to... HUD Aggression Stats - How they are calculated & how to use… The aggression statistic(s) is part of the traditional “holy trinity” of stats (VPIP/PFR/AF), and it is certainly the most useful “general” postflop statistic that becomes meaningful after just 200-300 hands. However, through speaking to many of my coaching clients, I am acutely aware of 2 problems.

A HUD is not as useful as you think it is

Best Poker Tracking Software – Reviews of the top apps to track your online game. Take your game to the next level with these Hold'em management tools. Buying a HUD for PokerTracker 4 - Poker Software & Tools

weaktight | Weaktight Blog | Basic HUD Stats Explained -

Essential Poker Statistics You Need to Know Essential Poker Statistics You Need to Know Which poker stats are most important? Our poker HUD software offers a large amount of statistics. Knowing which ones are relevant and important can be overwhelming. If you are new to poker software you can initially ignore all statistics except the essential three poker statistics. Using a HUD in Poker - Which Stats to Use? - PokerVIP Ft3betPf - % of time a player folds to a preflop 3bet given the opportunity. Useful in calculating the frequency and ranges with which you will play 3bet poker. ATS – Attempt to steal. This percentage is similar to PFR but applies specifically to open-raises from CO, BU, or SB. What is the most ridiculous poker hud stats you have ever ... Useful Links. FAQ; Beginner Guide; Where can I play online poker? ... What is the most ridiculous poker hud stats you have ever seen for a villain? ... i don’t use a hud so i don’t get what these stats truly mean if someone would be so kind as to direct me to an explanation . ex: (i get vpip is voluntary put in pot but like...what does that ...

Jan 01, 2015 · Get help setting up your poker hud stats so you can play online poker better than ever before. We can spout out stats all day that are useful, but at the end of the day, there is limited space for stats, and we should use the stats that we are most used to and understand their usage and implementation. It should also be noted that a HUD is ... Most Useful Poker Hud Stats - Tim Allen Soaring Eagle Casino Different HUD stats for different table lenght in SNG by WhiteRider » Wed May 06, 2015 3:12 am There is a Hud option merkur online casinos paypal to allow this - see 'Number of Players Filtered' in the Hud Options . most useful poker hud stats How to Use a HUD & Interpret Poker Stats - Jan 28, 2010 · Relying too heavily on stats leaves you playing an ABC, robotic game and will stunt your growth as a poker player. Stats are just one tool in a successful player’s box. They need to be used in conjunction with observation and non stats-based reads. Stats only give you an average of how your opponent plays against all different types of opponents. Poker HUD Stats You Are Not Using - PokerVIP